The animals
Mammals, birds, snakes, lizards, amphibians, fish and invertebrates - there are 255 species and over 3,000 animals for you to see at the Parc zoologique de Paris. Meet some of them.
Conservation programmes
The Parc zoologique de Paris is taking part in a breeding programme and contributing to the in situ conservation of the Great...
The Parc zoologique de Paris is helping to improve the monitoring of Emperor penguin colonies.
The Parc zoologique de Paris is helping to conserve chameleons in Madagascar.
The puma on show at the Parc Zoologique de Paris is the Puma concolor puma, originally from Chile. Scientists still know little...
The Parc zoologique de Paris is involved in monitoring and protecting fossa populations.
The Parc zoologique de Paris is helping to preserve the Guanaco species, a wild camelid native to South America.
The Antillean manatee species, the Trichechus manatus manatus, on show at the Parc Zoologique de Paris, has fewer than 700...
The Parc zoologique de Paris is helping to conserve the griffon vulture in Europe.
The Parc zoologique de Paris is working to save the crowned sifaka, a species of lemur in danger of extinction.
The Parc zoologique de Paris supports the Borana reserve in Kenya.