
The Humboldt penguin

Spheniscus humboldti

The Humboldt penguin, Spheniscus humboldti, is a bird which "flies under the water" and lives in the coastal areas of South America.

Distinctive features

Each individual can be distinguished by small black spots on its belly. Adults have a pink area around their beak that distinguishes them from other penguin species.

Its rigid, streamlined wings enable it to swim at speeds of up to 30 km/h! The different "layers" of feathers provide perfect thermal insulation, while the layer of air between the skin and the feathers ensures good buoyancy.

The penguin is often confused with the penguin, but they are two very different species. There is one major difference between them: penguins can fly, but penguins cannot!

The humbolt penguin: an endangered species

From 1850 onwards, the use of penguin droppings as a natural fertiliser led to the decline of the penguin population, as this material is essential for the manufacture of nests. Penguin populations have also been weakened by hunting, intensive fishing, mining, pollution and human recreational activities.

On the Pacific coast of South America, action is being taken to reduce accidental catches in fishing nets, implement a less aggressive method of harvesting guano and develop economic conservation compromises.

Manchots de Humboldt

Manchots de Humboldt 

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin

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