sunday october 6

Traffic and parking around the zoo will be severely disrupted this Sunday, October 6, as part of the Odyssea race. Please make your own arrangements for access to the zoo.

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Biozone Patagonie © MNHN - F-G Grandin

Mobility-impaired visitors

The Parc Zoologique de Paris helps everyone to access the zoo: visitors can plan their visit and explore the entire site completely by themselves The teams at the Parc Zoologique de Paris pay special attention to the quality of the visitor experience at every stage in the trail.

The Parc Zoologique de Paris is fully accessible to visitors in wheelchairs.

  • Wheelchairs can be borrowed from the Reception
  • Accessibility tests have been carried out in the area surrounding the park in collaboration with the services in the neighbouring districts
  • Parking spaces for disabled war veterans and the severely disabled are available
  • Visitors can be dropped off in front of the park at the No.46 bus stop

Food and drinks

The zoo has two restaurants, several kiosks and two picnic areas. Please check our "Restauration" page (in French) for more information.