
The wolverine

Gulo gulo

The wolverine, Gulo gulo, is sometimes compared to a small bear, yet does not belong to the same family. The wolverine is actually related to the otter and the ferret.


Equipped for walking in the snow and braving the toughest winters in its habitat, it travels huge distances in search of food, using its anal glands to leave its scent wherever it goes. Its semi-retractable claws allow it to climb trees and dig under the snow.

Distinctive features

The glutton belongs to the same family as otters or polecats, the mustelids, of which it is the heaviest representative.

Its thick, dense fur protects it from the cold, while its small ears help to limit heat loss.


A predator and a scavenger, the wolverine is adept at adaptation: when it is hungry, even frozen bones cannot resist its powerful jaws.

Deux gloutons boivent à un point d'eau.


© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
Glouton abrité dans un tronc d'arbre creux.


© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
Glouton perché sur une branche.


© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin

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