
The south american fur seal

Arctocephalus australis

At the Zoological Park of Paris, the South American fur seals live with another species, the South American sea lions. They also share the same habitat in the wild.

The sea lion colony

Get to know the sea lion colony

The colony of sea lions at the Paris Zoological Park is made up of seven individuals belonging to two species. Nora, Ela, Portos, Aramis and little Naya, born in July 2020, are maned sea lions; Quito and Jaci are two southern fur seals. The latter joined the former in February 2019 and the group lives together peacefully.

In the wild, maned and southern fur seals live side by side because they share the same territory - the coasts of Peru, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay - and have a very similar fish-eating diet. The Parc Zoologique de Paris is the only zoo to have both species of sea lion in the same tank.

Deux otaries à fourrure australe dont la tête dépasse de l'eau.

Otaries à fourrure australe

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
Otarie à crinière vue de face.

Otarie à crinière

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
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