The reef aquarium

Our aquarium aims to raise awareness about coral reef preservation.

Distinctive features

Coral reefs are the most diverse marine ecosystem on the planet. They have a nutritional function and provide shelter and breeding sites for aquatic species. They also protect the coastline. The aquarium of the Parc zoologique de Paris aims to recreate an ecosystem, placing the native marine species of Madagascar, primarily the most endangered, at the heart of the project. This approach of increasing awareness is all the more urgent today as climate change, pollution and marine traffic pose a grave threat to coral reefs.

Aquarium récifal du Parc zoologique de Paris

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin

Aquarium récifal du Parc zoologique de Paris

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
Aquarium récifal du Parc zoologique de Paris présentant plusieurs espèces de poissons et de coraux.

Aquarium récifal du Parc zoologique de Paris

© MNHN - F.-G. Grandin
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