Africa biozone
Covering 4.5 hectares, the Africa biozone is the largest in the park. It is home to large mammals such as white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum), Grevy's zebras (Equus grevyi) and West African lions (Panthera leo).
Immerse yourself in the African savannah
Different environments follow one another as you progress through this biozone, from tree savannah to delta, shrub savannah and open savannah. Warm-coloured grasses, thorny shrubs and riprap create the atmosphere of the savannah.
The plain
The vast golden landscape of the Africa biozone is a fitting setting for the Parc zoologique de Paris' emblematic herd of giraffes (Girafa camelopardalis). Emblematic residents of the zoo, the 14 giraffes remained on site during the zoo's renovation work (between 2008 and 2014): the females Agamie, Aurore, Adeline, Ariane, Adège, Lady, Gaya, Goumie, Riwel- and the young Gatimu, Romy, Uzul, Roy, Djuba.